
Endoscopy is a simple, nonsurgical procedure which examines your digestive tract from the inside. Endoscopy is performed using a flexible tube (endoscope) with a powerful light and a camera attached to the end which allows your surgeon to view pictures of the internal aspect of the digestive tract on a TV monitor.  It is commonly used to examine the oesophagus and stomach (upper GI endoscopy or gastroscopy), or the colon and rectum (colonoscopy). 

Dr Ghadiri performs both upper and lower GI endoscopy, as well as a range of therapeutic procedures at the time of the procedure if indicated.  She also performs upper GI endoscopy as part of planning for certain surgical procedures, such as weight loss surgery, anti-reflux and hiatus hernia surgery.

Why might I need an endoscopy?

Dr Ghadiri may recommend an endoscopy for you, in order to:

  • diagnose a disease or investigate the cause of symptoms

  • screen for or prevent cancer

  • treat certain conditions

  • as part of planning for certain surgical procedures