Laparoscopic Hiatus Hernia Repair

Types of Hiatus Hernia.

What is a hiatus hernia?

A Hiatus hernia occurs when part of the stomach is pushed through a widened oesophageal opening in the diaphragm, such that it ends up in the chest cavity instead of the abdominal cavity.  This occurs slowly over time and may not cause any symptoms to begin with. 

What are the symptoms of a hiatus hernia?

The presence of a hiatus hernia can lead to a variety of symptoms, you may not have all of these and as the hernia enlarges the nature of symptoms can change and progress.  Symptoms may include:

  • Heartburn (GORD symptoms)

  • Bloating, indigestion

  • Difficulty swallowing

  • Regurgitation of food especially when lying flat

  • Chest pain especially with swallowing

  • Shortness of breath – this is a late symptom of a large hernia

What is involved in laparoscopic hiatus hernia repair?

This is a key-hole operation, involving four or five small cuts through which a fiberoptic camera and key-hole instruments are passed, allowing minimally invasive repair.  The stomach is returned to the abdominal cavity and the hole through which it passed is narrowed using sutures and sometimes buttressed with bio-absorbable mesh if deemed necessary to ensure a durable repair. 

This procedure is always accompanied by an anti-reflux procedure (fundoplication) (insert link) which is carried out under the same anaesthetic to ensure the best symptomatic outcome and to avoid post-surgery reflux. 

What should I expect after Laparoscopic Hiatus Hernia Repair?

After your laparoscopic hiatus hernia repair and fundoplication, you will likely recover in hospital for one to two nights before returning home. You will be sent home on a sloppy food diet.

Dr Ghadiri will give you advice on which foods to eat while you heal. It’s important to give your oesophagus time to recover before progressing onto eating soft foods, chewing thoroughly and eating slowly. You will gradually return to a normal diet over the next two to four weeks.

You should be able to go back to work or your normal routine within 1-2 weeks.

Where will my surgery be performed? 

Dr Ghadiri performs laparoscopic hiatus hernia surgery in Brisbane at Brisbane Private Hospital (Wickham Tce) and the Wesley Hospital. She also performs surgery in Ipswich at St Andrew’s Private Hospital.