Laparoscopic Fundoplication (GORD/Heartburn Surgery)

Gastro Oesphageal Reflux Disease GORD Reflux Upper GI Surgery Brisbane

Surgery for heartburn and acid reflux (GORD) is known as Fundoplication Surgery. Fundoplication may be an option when you suffer from:

  • Persistent heartburn that does not respond to medication and lifestyle changes

  • Severe inflammation of your oesophagus

  • A narrowing of your oesophagus (not caused by cancer)

  • A condition called ‘Barrett's oesophagus’, which is a change in the cells of your oesophagus due to acid reflux

What is involved in Laparoscopic Fundoplication Surgery?

Laparoscopic fundoplication surgery is performed under general anaesthetic using techniques to constrict the lower oesophagus by wrapping the upper stomach around it. Dr Ghadiri will make a few small incisions in your abdomen to insert a thin tube with a light and camera (called a laparoscope) to perform the procedure. The top part of your stomach (the fundus) is wrapped around the oesophagus and sewn into place. This leaves the lower portion of the oesophagus to pass through a small tunnel of stomach muscle.

Food and liquids can still pass through your oesophagus, however the added tightening helps to prevent stomach acid from refluxing up into it, allows the oesophagus to heal and resolving the reflux symptoms.

What should I expect after Laparoscopic Fundoplication Surgery?

After your laparoscopic fundoplication surgery, you will likely recover in hospital overnight before returning home. You will be sent home on a sloppy food diet.

Dr Ghadiri will give you advice on which foods to eat while you heal. It’s important to give your oesophagus time to recover before progressing onto eating soft foods, chewing thoroughly and eating slowly. You will gradually return to a normal diet over the next two to four weeks.

You should be able to go back to work or your normal routine within 1-2 weeks.

Can I expect any further symptoms after Laparoscopic Fundoplication Surgery?

Most people who have surgery for heartburn and acid reflux (GORD) find that the surgery significantly improves their symptoms immediately and they are able to cease their reflux medications once they have recovered. 

Some people experience other symptoms after surgery, for example, difficultly beltching and a potential secondary increase in flatulance.  Difficulty swallowing is a possible side effect of this surgery but is usually temporary, resolving over the ensuing weeks.  Dr Ghadiri will discuss all the risks and possible side effects with you at your consultation.

Where will my surgery be performed?

Dr Ghadiri performs laparoscopic fundoplication surgery in Brisbane at Brisbane Private Hospital (Wickham Tce) and the Wesley Hospital. She also performs surgery in Ipswich at St Andrew’s Private Hospital.